Monthly Archives: October 2015

The secret of eternal life hides deep in the sea – an eternal jellyfish

A Japanese scientist promises to bring the gospel of eternal life to humans with the help of a rare jellyfish that manages to renew its cells and continue to live without limit - forever!! After thousands of years of research and search for a cure for the disease of aging, it seems that in 1988 man finally discovered the key to eternal life in the animal world, and according to an ancient legend, he was [Read more...]

By |2015-10-02T18:03:11+05:30October 2nd, 2015|Uncategorized, Eternal life|0 Comments

We are not having babies – conversation with Ilan Aviv

Here is a conversation that took place between me and a friend who chose to live life without having children. In the conversation, she described her great difficulty in being different and lonely, among the masses of people who actively and aggressively solicit her , and try to impose their desire to include most people to be part of the circle of reproduction with them. Is there a better way than the way everyone goes, [Read more...]

By |2023-04-17T22:41:39+05:30October 11th, 2015|People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Antinatalism, Eternal life|0 Comments

who are we

Those who want to live their lives to the fullest, for the lovers of life who want to live forever in their human body. We see life as the most wonderful, beautiful and best thing there is in the universe, and choose to stay alive in cooperation and fullness of life. Like us there are many more around the world, and every day more people join who have discovered their basic and uncompromising desire = to live!

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