People Forever is a pioneering organisation that seeks to break our bond with death and awaken us to an unending life of genuine unity. We investigate how the body regenerates and advance the study of age-related disorders.
We welcome anyone who is interested in getting in touch with unique individuals who desire to live and be together.

freedom (2)

You’ve come to the proper place if you’re one of the individuals who has never felt at home amid the thronging masses and has always understood deep down that something is wrong with this planet and that the necessity of death is essentially untrue.

We are an avant-garde group of individuals prepared to sever our bond with mortality and awaken to eternal life. We are the trailblazers who made it possible for numerous others to march.

We realised there are a lot of other people like us all around the world once we realised that life itself is the most essential thing in the world.

The Seekers of Life In order to join an exciting movement that will bring us all back to our true home, which we all miss, we have thus extended an invitation that will never expire. Together always!

If you find yourself in the area, please shoot us an email because our core members all reside in South Goa, India. We would be pleased to host you.

We are here to establish a setting in which we can all coexist, awaken, and prosper in the new worldโ€”the world of life.

Humans are social-environmental entities, just like any other living thing in our world! We continually experience the effects of the environment we live in, which has formed who we are today and virtually always will decide who we will be tomorrow. Our existence and development are reliant on the signals and topographic features present in the environment in which we dwell, just like every other plant or animal on Earth. Beyond the physical requirements for our survival (food, water, and temperature), we require human psychological nourishment to survive and develop as intellectual beings. As a result, the direction in which the people around us are directed will typically determine the direction we are going in life.

Humans are herd animals. Like the majority of creatures on the planet, man is a living being whose growth and continuation depend on the flock or group to which he belongs. We have evolved into psychological beings living in a civilised society, where the intellectual level and the psychological foundation have become essential for our everyday existence. This goes beyond the survival level, in which we depend on one another to exist. Language and fundamental social norms are practised in the human society in which we live to promote positive personal growth and development. In times when he still depends on them for his survival, the person learns these norms through seeing the behaviour of others and by messages that he receives directly and indirectly from those in charge (parents, for example). We also live in a modern culture where knowledge is shared and success is sought after. Each person must contribute to the achievement of the overall technical aspiration, whether as a member of the development team or as a regular customer who invests money in the development.

The environment we grew up in The fundamental concept in death, which is passed down from generation to generation as a realistic foundation that all children acquire from the moment they begin to communicate with the environment, is the cornerstone of the human group to which we were born against our will. People developed a fundamental mistrust of the human race as a result of this view, which got stronger through time. Because it promotes the person’s time-dependent extinction, mistrust manifests in the unconscious view of the person as lethal to his existence. The way humanity functions now is on a path of isolation, with each person believing in the success narrative that has been given and trying tirelessly to realise himself using his own strength. The majority of people suffer from weariness due to an unreachable goal that was originally designed to trap people in a cycle of success while preying on their healthy desire to grow and become greater than they are right now.

the individual’s awakening.
When a member of the group wakes up and decides to deviate from the general direction of the groupโ€”which at present consists of more than 7 billion peopleโ€”in favour of doing everything in his power to stay and survive, the environment will use every tactic at its disposal to try to sway his decision, including the best manipulations and the application of group pressure. It would be reasonable to assume that a single person who lives in an insolent society will encounter so many objections and derision (clearly motivated by fear) that he would prefer not to express his choice between them. It is likely that his inability to express his choice will weaken him to the point where he may forget the value of life itself and think that death is actually a good option despite everything. The awakened person will typically find themselves in constant battle with those closest to them, and they will frequently need to use force to push back against their neighbours’ ideas and views. The general philosophy of the herd phenomenon holds that “returning the wrong to the beneficiary” is a basic survival need, as it is for any group of people who wish to continue existing. This is based on the premise that the direction the group is going in is the best and right direction for all of its members – even if it moves into agony.

establishing a new setting It is possible to awaken from the experience of the false individual and find our way back to the state of mind that we all miss: living together forever, with the simple knowledge that the world works in full collaboration and the realisation that we are all dependent on other people to exist. Together, we start to create a genuine desire for people and a readiness to work cooperatively with those who are prepared to make the required adjustments in order to realise this unique objective. Like with any shift, the person will have to figure out how to go back on his own, with the support of those around him who will also serve as reminders of the life he is missing. We can choose for ourselves the ideal setting that fosters life and a vibrant mind because we cannot change the fact that we are impacted by the people and place in which we live.

building a global community We are on the cusp of a time when individuals discover their genuine motivations for living, which will serve as everyone in the new world’s fundamental understanding. People Forever are the forerunners who have thrown down the challenge to work together to establish an eternal environment that invites individuals with a deep desire to connect with those who are focused on a thriving human civilization to be with those who are still on earth. Imagine a scenario in which we collaborate to build a community and a loving environment for all of us.

” Each person is a sound, and together we are a melody “

Come visit us!

You are invited to visit our open meetings page if you are interested in learning more and maybe meeting. Please visit our open meetings page

Related Pages:Being forevercreating a worldThe illusion of time The end of intolerance Thefear of being completely aliveDeath is no longer acceptable to mankind Daily routine to prolong life Interview with Jim and Bernie – Eternal life and communityto eternal parenting~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Every person is a sound, and together we are a melody”

~ people for Ever community ~
~ Loves People ~