🌹__ – Awakening and Meditation-__ 🌹

You are cordially invited to join us in South Goa for a guided meditation practise and Spiritual Awakening learning session.

We will practise meditation together at this meeting, followed by a conversation and learning to gain insights and tools for Spiritual awakening. Come learn how to think outside the box and gain more freedom to express yourself in life.

Living an awakened lifestyle begins with the little things.

How you make your coffee, open the door, and listen to others are all examples. These small steps can help you become the master of your life.

About the Facilitator:

Ilan Aviv has been a professional awareness trainer for 25 years and has led hundreds of awareness workshops. Ilan is currently working to open an awareness and transformation centre in Goa.

  • Location: Ordofond (15 minutes from Palolem), in a lovely riverside house.
  • For those who prefer, a shared taxi from Palolem/Patnem will be arranged.
  • This includes tea, cookies, and love:)
  • participate cost 300 rupees

💞 – Devotion – Intimate Relationships Training workshop💞

🌺- All Are Welcome -🌺

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  People forever – Goa  

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