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Welcome to the Retreat Creating a Community registration page !!

What a pleasure to have come here 💫🌸🌈

Just one moment before we see each other, we will ask a few minutes of your time to

ย fill out the form and click Submit. It’s basically our way of getting to know you and helping us coordinate expectations so we can create together an amazing world that works for everyone!

We hope you have fun while filling out the form and that
youย can get to know yourself a little better as you fill it out.

So here we go…

    * Select The Reference Topic From The Drop-Down Menu

    * Relationships status:

    * Sex:

    * Do you have children?

    * Planning children in the future?

    * Economic Situation

    * Current residence

    *ย Relationships (multiple choice)

    *ย profession that interests you (multiple choice):

    *ย Occupation or Hobbies (multiple choice):

    *ย Worldview and Faith </strong >(multiple choice)

    *ย Sexual preference

    *ย Your human qualities (multiple choice)

    *ย Workshops and courses you have attended (multiple choice)

    *ย Physical Fitness (multiple choice)

    *ย Body Structure (Multiple Choice)

    *ย Mental State (Multiple Choice)

    *ย Books and Films Genres You Like (multiple choice)

    *ย What Doesn't Work Out For You In Life? (multiple choice)

    *ย What Do You Think Will Be The Solution Of The Problem? (multiple choice)

    *ย What Best Defines The Type Of Person You Are? (multiple choice)

    *ย Have You Lived In A Community Before? (multiple choice)

    *ย Why Do You Want To Live In A Community? (multiple choice)

    *ย How Would You Like To Contribute To The Community ? Whatever You Would Like To Share (multiple choice)

    *ย Which Workshops topics Are interests You The Most? (multiple choice)

    *ย Full Name:

    *ย Email:

    *ย Mobile Phone:




    Please Upload Some Picture Of You (stays totally secured and private)

    * General Clarifications Or Anything You Want To Tell About Yourself - Permission:
