live forever

Being Forever – love thoughts outside the box

From being locked in time, people try to understand eternity, like looking out of a box and understanding the "no box," like a fish trying to understand the water it swims in and realizing that there is such a thing as air. All observation is from a pattern of thinking to a place where there is no thinking, where there is an experiential "being" that cannot be understood or seen. To be without time in [Read more...]

By |2024-03-30T22:00:41+05:30September 27th, 2015|People-writing, Ilan Aviv, Awakening, Eternal life, Together|0 Comments

Breathe forever

Recently I've been thinking about what needs to be done to live forever, and I think breathing is one of the things that is a must! That is to say, breath revitalizes. The last experience I had when I brought my attention to the breath is excitement! One that fills my body with animals! And I heard myself say, "Oh, how much I've been waiting for this moment." I missed it, there was something there [Read more...]

By |2024-01-31T12:58:33+05:30December 3rd, 2017|People-writing|2 Comments

מי אנחנו

המעוניינים לחיות את חייהם במלואם, לאוהבים את החיים שרוצים לחיות לנצח בגופם האנושי. אנו רואים את החיים כדבר המופלא, היפה והטוב ביותר שיש ביקום, ובוחרים להישאר בחיים בשיתופיות ובחיות מלאה. כמונו יש עוד רבים ברחבי העולם, ומדי יום מצטרפים אנשים נוספים שגילו את תשוקתם הבסיסית והבלתי מתפשרת = לחיות!

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