Are you willing to look at things in a different way, to change your perspective on the world? Do not take anything that I say that is obvious, because it is likely that you have already swallowed enough things from others, do not swallow my words. Just bring openness, acceptance and the willingness to investigate the truth – be prepared to ask yourself. Because if you don't do that you're going to get into mental laziness. Are you suffering? Do you have any problems? Could it be that you are not enjoying every moment of your life? If the answer is that you are suffering and have problems, it means that something is wrong with you! You sleep! I bet with you that no one has ever told you this, because it has become the usual way of living – it is called "normal". Once asked the Master a question: What did enlightenment bring you? He answered: Well, before the enlightenment I was depressed, after the enlightenment I remained depressed!:-) Do you think this is absurd? Maybe… But there is a big difference, because after the enlightenment the master stopped being disturbed by his depression. He experiences the depression without the resistance and the need for it to pass. Where do you think suffering comes from? Some people think it's from life. But it's not life that's hard for you, it's you who take life hard!

In a certain tribe in the distant past, people would live together in the full sense of the word. In this tribe, as people who committed serious crimes they would not kill them, they would simply ostracize them and send them to live alone. In a week or so, they would have ended their lives in solitude! Who do you think killed these people? Did the tribe kill them? No, they killed themselves the way they perceived the ostracism. Their programming kills them. When it's raining outside and you're depressed. Is it the rain that causes depression or does your reaction to the rain cause it?

Let's do an exercise. Think of something that's bothering you these days… Something that happens to you in life and you have a hard time with. And now try to understand that the harassment does not come from outside, not from the events, from the fact that you made a mistake, that you lost your job and money, no no, it doesn't come from there! but from the way you react to things that happen to you.

Please note, if someone else were in your place, he probably would not have been disturbed by what happened to you. You do! So you need to do something with yourself and not with reality. But most people will spend their entire lives trying to change reality, not themselves!

Someone broke his promise to you, abandoned you, betrayed you, left you? Let me tell you something, no one has ever hurt you! All this is caused by you. The truth is that it is not even caused by you, it is caused by your programming! By the way you see the world. This is what needs to change, your perspective on the world.

Think of someone you have a problem with, selfish, repulsive, annoying, lazy, difficult. I have news for you, it's not about him! If you change it will change. You see people not as they are but as you are. How did it happen that the other determines that you will get angry and react? You can say "no" to those who are trying to get you out of your center. Learn to say "no" to allow others to meet life. Do you see that you are punishing yourself for what others are doing? It's insane, even though everyone thinks it's sanity. But they are all disturbed!I'm not saying not to do something when others are bullying you, I'm just saying that you'll clearly see the person in front of you before you react. Because when you are in a reaction you do not clearly see reality, if you see clearly your reaction will be much more effective.