Up to 120 years? Google believes this is not the maximum. The worm whose life has been extended, loading the brain into a computer and replacing the body with mechanical parts: it may happen this way, or another!! Google has not yet reached its goal: Google bought Wise, invested in smart regulators and also in artificial intelligence, and now it is looking to the distant, very distant future – eternity. One of the largest companies in the world is interested in exploring reaching eternal life, or at least helping to significantly increase current life expectancy. In an interview with Bloomberg News, Bill Maris, president of Google Ventures, said that he believes that in the future man will be able to live 500 years. "Are you asking me today if it is possible to live to the age of 500? The answer is yes," was quoted in an interview by Maris, who is looking to invest the $425 million he is responsible for in companies that will work to extend life expectancy. According to him, medical breakthroughs and the development of biomechanics are likely to help this. The company under his management is already investing funds in genetics companies and start-ups for cancer diagnosis. "We have the tools to achieve anything imaginable. I just hope to live long enough not to die," said Maris, who founded Google Ventures in 2009.

Read the full article on the Ynet website – Google invests in eternal life