By "it" I mean the things we wish for ourselves.
For example: be healthy, strong, fit, wake up, learn something new, etc.
And in the title:
Are we waiting for eternal life to happen to us?
Does the fact that we are in the Facebook group of eternal life mean that we live forever?
Or writing a post? Or around people who believe it?
A few days ago I saw the movie
"In time" (recommended!) Most of us are pretty much in the same movie.
Chasing after borrowed time.
There's no point in waiting for it to happen – because it's not.
The time to take action is now!
The body speaks, the body wants and the mind is here to help.
Positive speech, good thoughts, truth are the basis for connecting with ourselves that will lead to results.
When you see results, you believe.
Is there anyone the content touches and wants to do something beyond?
Wish and act!
Don't waste your time for waiting for it, do it now!
May you all live forever