Imagine that you would always stay in your best years. It is worth in your soul abundant health and sharpness that will never fade away. Does such a brilliant hope seem like a daydream to you? So, consider this curious fact: although some species of parrots can reach the age of one hundred, it is rare for mice to live longer than three years. The differences in life lead biologists to conclude that there must be a cause of aging, and if there is a cause, it may be possible to find a cure for it.

The search for an effective treatment for aging encourages investments by pharmaceutical companies. For people who were born after World War II and are now approaching the age of sixty, finding a way to slow down the aging process has become a problem close to their hearts.

Some species of parrots reach the age of 100 years, while humans live about 80 years. Researchers ask: "What is the cause of aging?"

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