It may sound big,
I am beginning to notice that with a vision there is a meaning to life. The dictionary meaning of a vision is: an idea or thought about the desired future.
I want it now and definitely in the future as well. I think that when there is a vision, there is a meaning to life. A life worth living. After all, that's what life is for, so we can live it! It's funny how simple and accessible it is and yet something got tangled up along the way. Another thing, I think you have to want that first. To want it so much and for that to give up everything. It is exciting to think that there is a vision and yet there is a lot of responsibility in the matter. Visionaries serve as an example, leading, strong – this is something that definitely requires day-to-day work. All this arises as soon as you fall in love. Falling in love with this wonderful life!!! I'm excited to write this guys!! This life is amazing with everything in it and we choose whether to be warriors of light or warriors of darkness. Long live the light! Long live the infatuation!
May you all light and love forever! 😍🤩