The idea of eternal life has excited many generations in the history of mankind. A hero seeking eternal life is the central theme of the tales of Gilgamesh (fromat least the 22nd century BC ), and it is the subject of many works of all periods. InGreek mythology, theOlympiangods maintain eternal life with thehelpof the food of the gods – theragweedand thedrinkof thegods – Nectar. The possibility of eternal life is a central theme in manyreligions andphilosophies , some of which, based on the distinction between body and mind, have developed the concept of spiritual eternal life – life after death. InJudaism, the promise of eternal life appears in the Sages ' interpretation of theprophecies ofredemption. Thus, for example, Isaiah's words: "Swallow death forever" are interpreted as the disappearance ofdeath from the world

[1]. He also appears in thebook of Genesis: "Lest he send his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever.

Scientific feasibility in the history ofscience andpseudoscience Eternal life has been a central subject of search and exploration. One of the goals of alchemists was to find a cure for any disease throughalchemy, thus bringing about eternal life. At some point, the search for eternal life was considered an assigned and unscientific topic, but today, with the development ofgerontology , the scientific debate and shaking returns, withscientists today divided as to whether physical eternal life is an aspirational aspiration or not.

ThejellyfishTurritopsis nutriculais sometimes considered immortal. This is because it is the only known animal capable of rolling back from its adult stage, back to thepolyp stage. There is no known limitation on the process and seemingly the creature is able to continue rolling back forever and postpone death indefinitely. In practice, the Turritopsis nutricula is not immortal and has a shortlifespan . This is because she usually dies from environmental factors even before she reaches adulthood. Lobstersare also considered animals with the potential to live eternal life, due to the existence oftelomerasein all their cells. In Atlantic yassoron,telomeres lengthen with age instead of shortening, a phenomenon that has not been observed in any other animal and is attributed to the longevity of this small bird.

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