A Japanese scientist promises to bring the gospel of eternal life to humans with the help of a rare jellyfish that manages to renew its cells and continue to live without limit – forever!! After thousands of years of research and search for a cure for the disease of aging, it seems that in 1988 man finally discovered the key to eternal life in the animal world, and according to an ancient legend, he was indeed found on the ocean floor. The jellyfish was discovered by chance by Christian Sommer, a German marine biology student who was in his early 20s at the time. He spent the summer in Rapallo, a small town on the Italian Riviera, where, exactly a hundred years earlier, Friedrich Nietzsche conceived "So said Zarathustra": "Anything goes, everything comes back; The wheel of being spins forever, everything dies, everything blooms again…" Sommer conducted a study on hydrates, small invertebrates that, depending on the stage in which they are in their life cycle, look like a jellyfish or a soft coral. Every morning, Sommer went snorkeling in the turquoise waters at the foot of the cliffs of Portofino. He scoured the seafloor in search of hydrates and collected them with the help of a plankton net (a dense cone-shaped net). Among the hundreds of organisms he collected was also a tiny and relatively unknown species that biologists called Turritopsis Dohrnii. Today he is better known as the "Immortal Jellyfish".

To read the full article , click Eternal Life at the Bottom of the Ocean – Medusa