The questioner: Tell me, priest have you been near a lot of beds tend to die what do people crave the most when they face the end of their lives, more time? Priest: I guess the questioner: Exactly I guess they will give almost everything for one more year, imagine what they will give for the whole of eternity. Priest: Lord, I don’t quite understand, what are you … The questioner: You will understand. Priest, are you ready to die, now at the moment? Priest: If it is the will of God. The questioner: And what if it is my will??..

What if you could be eternal? Now, at this moment? Without the obligation to face the uncertainty of death? Hmm? You’d like that, wouldn’t you? No mess, no hassle and noise. Resistant to diseases. You never have to endure the stench and decay of old age. Forever young!

Priest: Your words are blasphemy, Sir.

The questioner: fluently. Good night, Priest.