Wellcome dear person 💖

This is a personal letter from me to you, which will help you adjust in the best possible way, and will also help us create a relationship of love and mutual growth.

I wrote this letter after recruiting dozens of volunteers and learning some things that I share with you here.

Give yourself some time

If you are coming from another country, allow yourself 3 days to adapt to the energy of India and the place, which are very different from most places in the world. Your body will go through a necessary adaptation process, some of which may be unpleasant.

Slow down, give yourself time.

Who am I and what is my role?

My name is Ilan Aviv and I am the founder of the community, and currently serves as the core group of the community that sets the rules, invites people here and makes the important decisions.

I am currently in the middle of the process of building the core of the community, after realising that it is currently the most important thing to do, as well as preparing the space so that it can privately accommodate the members of the core who will join.


This is a special and quiet project, a place for meditative people. The space is clean and tidy. This is home, please help me to keep it feels like home.


After different types of people came here and I also went through challenges, I realised that this place can host only people who are in gratitude and full respect for the place, fully support and respect me and the other people here.

Decision Making

I usually consult with the people about decisions, but in the end I make the decisions, as the core of the community should do.

There is a way to join the core community, and if you’re interested in hearing how, we can talk about that later.

Your service

The main help I need right now is, stabilization of the group in order to build the core group, personal support, healing and your love.

And I say “your love” with full intent, because this project is about humans, and invites human warmth, which I see as the most important thing that will be between us.

Please give from your heart.

Filtering – what should not pass

You could definitely feel lucky that you came here, because the percentage of people who apply in front of the people who come is currently about 2%. I am working to make the marketing more accurate, but as with any project that invites people, you have to filter and invite only those who fit the place.

But sometimes the invitation is not accurate and people arrive who turn out not to be suitable, so keep in mind that someone may come here and after a certain time I will decide that he/she is not suitable, even if you connected with him personally. In that case, I will ask for your trust and support in this decision I made.

Asking someone to leave is a difficult task for me, but I remember that one of my most important roles in the community is to create a safe community space for us, and from past experience I learned that one inappropriate person can spoil everyone.

Advice from others

It has happened in the past that people disagreed with my opinion on such decisions and I even listened to them, but you found that my vision will always be broader than that of people who arrive for a short period of time and my initial intuition was accurate.

It seems that people have a need to make an impact and I respect that, but of course people who come for a short period cannot make big changes, unless they join the core of the community.

Support my decisions

I ask you for your full support if I decide that someone is not suitable, and your word that if this happens you will stay and not be tempted by the dramas of others.

Safe space

The space of the house and the yard is a safe space where you can be who you are, dance, sing, meditate, read a book, jump in the river, or cook us a delicious meal.

It’s a space where people respect each other, give and stay open to receive love.

A safe space for women

The space here is a safe space for women, so women can feel at home here and open up, bring their colours and creativity freely. In this context, the men who come here receive a briefing on how to treat women with respect, and this is a topic I am careful about.

Using a mobile phone

I understand that we are all addicted to this device in one way or another, but here in the space I will ask you to free yourself from this device and use it only when you really need to. As much as it can be an effective device, it can also destroy people’s state of mind and create unnecessary noise. Pay attention.


Since we are in India and live in a village of traditional locals, if you go for a walk in the village you are asked to dress modestly.

This means covering shoulders and pants that are slightly above the knee.

Inside the house you are welcome to dress however you like, and when we jump into the river you can wear whatever you like or jump with no clothes.

Life together at home

Take into account that we live together for a period of time in the same house, come from different cultures, and are usually in different places in our developmental stages. The differences between us can be both beautiful and challenging, so I will ask you to remain open to changes and understand that you are going to experience a new and special relationship like you have never experienced before.

Clean outside = Clean inside

While we stay at home together, please clean the house and keep it tidy and with good energy, so that we can enjoy our time together in a clean and safe space.

When you make food please wash your hands with soap, and when you wash dishes please wash with water thoroughly so we won’t put soap in our body’s. 

Personal time

I noticed that people who come here spend most of the time together with the others and don’t leave enough time to be alone and observe.

This does not leave people enough time to organise their thoughts and digest the experiences they had with the others, which raises the level of tension and makes it impossible to enjoy the people and this amazing place.

Giving yourself time alone with yourself is a very important thing, and in this context I’m talking about time without a phone or without doing anything, but simply being and feeling yourself and the changes you’re going through.

The awareness work we do

As much as I wrote on the website about the awareness work we do here, I don’t think there are really words that can explain what it even means to be a more aware person and how to do it. Because if you ask me then I will tell you that for me being a conscious person means looking at your ignorance.

It’s not getting more knowledge and learning new things, but simply starting to look at yourself objectively and truthfully.

But since we are not objective about ourselves and have many opinions about who we are, here come the questions that are a great tool to go inside and ask yourself again questions that you have already given answers to before.

When people come here I hold in-depth conversations with them, ask questions and give them a chance to look at themselves anew. Some people want to go deeper into themselves and do training with me, which for me is the only way to take a leap in life and discover who you really are.

Such training requires seriousness and commitment from both sides, and also a long enough stay to complete the process and reach the desired result.

What is training?

For me, awakening training is a kind of game that we take seriously and follow its rules fully. It’s a kind of agreement between people who understand that their only way to transform and break free is to step out of their comfort zone and do things they weren’t willing to do with themselves before.

When I want to achieve a challenging goal in life, I take a coach and we make such an agreement between us. He listens to my desire and builds a way for me to fulfil the desire in reality, while my part in the matter is to follow his guidance.

Of course I can cheat and do only part of what he said, but that way I will never get my wish.


The main difference between the training I take with my trainer and the training people ask me here in the community is the level of commitment to the training.

With my trainer I am committed to my training and pay him a respectable amount of money for each session, while people in the community get training for free.

A low level of commitment will bring small results, as in any other task in our lives.

Since I am not interested in getting paid for the training I provide here (it is the service I like to provide), if you decide you want to be trained we will find a creative way to get you to your destination. If you have a real desire to be free I will put my trust in you.

Spaces in the house

The house is divided into personal and public spaces.

Bedrooms are personal spaces and are used only by people who live in the same room. This means that no one will enter the room where you are sleeping without permission, even if you are not in the room.

The shower, kitchen, foyer, balcony, yard, are public spaces.

The living room next to the balcony is a public space when I’m in it, so you can come and sit with me, listen to music, talk, or watch a movie together.

You will find me in the living room for many hours during the day working on the computer.

The passage to the balcony is through the living room, and you are invited to feel free when you cross the living room when I am in it. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re bothering me in any way.


It is true that we speak English, but I would like to draw your attention to a new language that is a different use of words, designed to create transformation and higher awareness.

One of the things I did with my language is, I took the negative slang out of it. Since my body listens to what I say and does not know what I mean, I only speak to it the words I mean, which brings me closer to the cells of the body that I am made of.

Since all healthy communication between humans begins with truly listening to the other, the practice we do is to listen to the words without understanding the other’s intention.

Our mind translates the world 24/7 and usually brings us a wrong translation of reality, which creates anxiety and leads us to make wrong decisions in life.

Communication in questions

We all know too much and are hardly able to be in the place of “I don’t know”, empty the glass and let new knowledge enter.

Questions are our most powerful tool to discover self-deception, and bring the light of awareness into dark areas of our consciousness.

I don’t know about you, but I love questions – especially ones I haven’t asked myself yet. Because every time I ask myself a challenging question, or someone asks me, I discover new places within myself and manage to step up.

Too good to be true

Many times I saw in front of me people who suspected my intention because it really looked too good so they looked for an ulterior motive. Well, this project really comes from a good place and my true desire to create a space for us where we can love each other without limits and limitations, and I guess the first step for those who come here is to go through their negative mind and open up to meet people from a different level of consciousness than they have met so far.

I completely understand the suspicious mind because I too once lived in a world that I now call “the world of wolves”, where people walk around with a lack of energy and seek to take from others.

I think this is a low stage of development that unfortunately the world is in, and as soon as you discover the pleasure of serving others and being loyal to a great vision, something changes and you don’t want to go back to living in the world of wolves. This is something that happened to me and from there I started working to create this amazing vision, and I am hopeful that we can connect from a place of heart and a real desire to get out of the prison of the mind towards real freedom.

I am to your service

If at any stage you encounter difficulty, fear, confusion or an unmet need that arises in you, I invite you to come and talk to me.

I know how to listen excellently and I promise you my full presence until the moment you go through the difficulty.

Consider me your best friend for the near future.

Wish us a full and educational creative partnership,
because you are an integral part of this creation.

I have a real thank you for believing in me
and coming to create this amazing dream with me.🙏

This just a start of our talk, and i hope it will last forever 💖🌺🙂

Ilan Aviv