Maria Antrigues Abramson is a singer-composer, linking science and technology. In addition, she also squadrons private jets. Maria devoted her last years to the study of the science of prolonging life and curing old age.

Maria believes in a bright future of a healthy and long life in which there will be no aging completely, and without suffering and diseases.

In a lecture held at “Entering a Continuous Life”, Maria talks about the recent breakthroughs of science in the field of life extension, and raises the challenge of the small budget that science receives to solve humanity’s greatest problem – old age and death.

Its definition of aging: “accumulation of damages at the cellular and molecular level of the body, which harm health”

Assuming that everyone wants to live and no one wants to be sick, Maria wonders with the question: why do we accept old age as a natural part of life?

The SENS Foundation supports scientific research, education and education, and develops complementary medicine solutions for diseases and disabilities of aging. For more information visit

To watch live broadcasts or see videos that have been broadcast in the past, visit our YouTube channel, which is easily accessible through our website,http://Perpetual.Life

“Enduring (Eternal) Life” is a science-based church open to people of all faiths. We are neither religious nor judgmental. We believe in the technologies and discoveries of humanity with the aim of stopping aging and defeating involuntary death within our lives.

Maria Entraigues Abramson is a singer-composer, science and technology communicator. She is also a Private Pilot. She spends her my multifaceted life working on Facilitating Radical Exponential Change and Promoting Disruptive Technologies that will help the world. Also Singing, Composing, modeling and doing Music journalism, while at the same time enjoying the skies through her passion for the ever-breathtaking world of Aviation. Maria is happily married and believes in a bright future with long healthy lives where aging will be totally free of disease and suffering. Doors will open at 6 PM and we will enjoy snacks and conversation in our Social Hall, downstairs. Services begin at 7 PM when Officiator Neal VanDeRee will give a short inspirational message followed by special guest Maria Entraigues Abramson, Global Outreach Coordinator for SENS Research Foundation, with her talk entitled Aging: Why do we surrender to it? SENS Foundation supports scientific research, outreach and education developing regenerative medicine solutions for the diseases and disabilities of aging. Learn more at To watch the Live Stream or see videos of past presentations, visit our YouTube channel, easily accessible through our website, http://Perpetual.Life/ Perpetual Life is a science-based church that is open to people of all faiths. We are non-denominational and non-judgmental. We hold faith in the technologies and discoveries of humanity to end aging and defeat involuntary death within our lifetime. http://Perpetual.Life/