In the thoughts I had today about love, I wondered with myself how much I love people in my life and how much I allow others to love me.600388_396526893718193_1773448756_n

After all, in the encounter between two or more there is a physical relationship – emotional – energetic and conscious, when these together create for the person the experience for which he happens love.

We tend to interpret our positive thoughts about others as love, which will sometimes be contrary to our way of behaving in meeting those people. If we recall a person and bring up pleasant memories with him or her, it does not mean that there is indeed love between us when we meet.

From my experience I have learned that in an encounter between two or more there will always be a reality that is greater than the sum of the thoughts and perceptions of each individual who makes up the situation, and therefore the question remains in me about what is love at all?

When I observe my development in front of people I am in close communication with, I see that the more I accept and love myself, and the more respectful I behave towards my body, the more people tend to treat me in a warmer and loving way.

The question that I will give you as a gift is:

Do you allow others to love you?

Are You Lovable?

Auther: Ilan Aviv – People Forever