Theo is an Eskimo sent by his tribe from the North Pole to New York to bring an important message to the Western world. Theo belongs to an ancient Eskimos dynasty connected to the earth, and in recent years the tribe has been watching the melting of the glaciers and the disappearance of the animals and realizing that its time is short before the great firestorm. As a desperate move, his tribe decides to send him to talk to the leaders of the Western world who will change their ways before it's too late for all of us. The tribe sees humans and animals as a single unit, and they send it with a message: "Go and talk to some of us who live on the south side." He arrives at a noisy world of buildings where people are in a hurry, and meets Chui who immediately recognizes his intentions and decides to help him in his mission. The story becomes more complicated later on, as the message is met with a series of opaque ears that cannot hear in the face of western noise. Will Theo succeed in his mission? You'll have to watch to find out. Movie is highly recommended.

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