Happy to shar ethe conclusions from the research I have done regarding dental health, including trial and error of several years.
After receding gums and losing some teeth, I learned and applied a few things that made a big difference in me and stopped the withdrawal and caries.
This article may just be in a nutshell and there may be other things I haven’t learned yet, but it’s comprehensive enough and a finding to bring healing.
For those who want to make an unforgettable health boost for themselves, the information relies on trial and error until results-based success.
I wrote the article in simple words and without complicated medical concepts, so that everyone can understand and apply in life.
In the course of this article I am going to sacrifice together with you some sacred cows and erroneous beliefs. Please be sure to stay with me in the process.

How does damage to teeth and gums appear – holes, gingivitis and receding gums?

* Caries develops from food (solid) stuck between the teeth and between the tooth and the gums, which serves as a bacterial plaque on which bacteria will develop.
* The bacteria produce acidic secretions that eat the tooth and decompose it (the bacteria do not gnaw our teeth, but the acids they secrete).
* Caries develops (or is not stopped) because the body’s immune system is weakened and because the bacterial plaque continues to receive food and develop.
* Inflammation and receding gums develop as a counter-reaction and an attempt to correct the situation – not to try to eliminate the attempt to repair the body in eliminating inflammation – but to remove the cause. (Inflammation indicates a problem that the body is trying to fix and is important for the healing process)

– Causes of weakening of the immune system
– Gastrointestinal problems due to improper eating
– Excess acidity in the body. (High PH)
– Lack of sleep or incorrect sleep habits
– Immobility – Atrophy
– Electromagnetic radiation (worthy of elaboration in other articles)
– Parasites – microscopic animals that enter the body due to lack of hygiene, eating meat / chicken / fish, pets (this topic also deserves to be expanded, in the meantime it is important to understand that parasites can weaken the body and help diseases develop)

Here are my recommendations for the oral rehabilitation process

Teeth cleaning –

Start with a thorough cleaning at a dentist as an initial treatment (and then continue with a dentist once every six months. It is important to find a good dentist who knows what she is doing and gets under the gums in the cleaning process. However, don’t be aggressive because it can also damage the gums irreparably)

After the hygienist (or can be started before)
* Buy a soft toothbrush (I use Meridol’s softest toothbrush)
* Buy therapeutic toothpaste LACER* Buy Parodontax fluoride-free toothpaste
* Buy ‘Therodent’ mouthwash
* Buy jet (cleaning teeth in water jet)
* Buy dental toothpicks (with dental floss. There are those without fluoride)

Before you begin…

The bedtime cleaning is going to be the most important cleaning of all, and it is he who will do the greatest healing for the gums and teeth.
** It is important to understand that night is our fasting time when a tremendous healing and cleansing action takes place in the body. If we make sure to go to bed early and our mouths are clean and antibacterial, we will allow the body to do the repair activities it needs.

The rehabilitation process

Before bedtime –

* Floss between the teeth – linger in the bleeding inflamed places
* Cleaning your teeth with a jet – Yes, it is important to start with the jet before brushing, because the water will clean the leftover food and allow the toothpaste to enter the gaps and prevent bacteria from developing there during the night. If you brush when food is stuck between your teeth, it can block the ointment from reaching these places, especially with molar teeth around the gums.
* For 1 week – temporary brushing with LACER therapeutic toothpaste
* Rinsing the mouth with Therodent mouthwash – leave the liquid in the mouth for at least 10-15 seconds, while moving it between the teeth back and forth

Morning Time –

* Water Jet
* Teeth brushing
* Do not eat for two hours

– After 1 week replace the toothpaste with Parodontax-free fluoride-free toothpaste. It’s a salty toothpaste (also delicious in my opinion) that contains minerals and does a great job.

Morning fasting –

One of the most important things I have found to help the health of my teeth and gums is not to eat anything in the morning.
Take the first 3 morning hours with drinking water only.
– Yes, I know some of us are used to starting the morning with coffee or juice, but if you agree to try it then you will understand what I meant.
— This short, daily fast will both help strengthen the body and help to lose weight for those who have an excess.
— there is tremendous online information about how much fasting contributes to the regeneration of the body, but since I have no experience in long fasts then I will recommend what I do apply and work for me.
—- I also believe in a routine that brings healing, less than one-time busts (although they too have a place if you want a quick change).

Stop eating at least 3 hours before bedtime –

our digestive system stop working after sun-set.
This means that everything we put in the stomach in the evening will stay in it until the next morning. Simply put = this food will rot in the body and much of it will not be digested.
Beyond the acidity it creats in the body, this will impair the quality of sleep, which is a basic key to a healthy life.
If a strange hunger arose before going to bed then drink water. And if even this did not work and you must eat, then take a soft fruit like a banana – in a small amount.
In any case no fat or oils at all before going to bed.

Eat only small meals when hungry –

In pursuit of fresh food. (not cooked, as nature serves). Real hunger appears in the mouth and not in the stomach, so if the stomach rumbles it means the digestive process is working or it is related to something mental. When we are really hungry then saliva is secreted and our mouth wants food – not the stomach. It is recommended to spend at least half a day on fruit.

Tip –

I read an article that recommends not brushing your teeth half an hour after eating fruit because when you eat the acidity of the mouth changes and the body needs enough time to balance the acidity again with the help of saliva. When we remove the remains of the fruit immediately after eating, we also remove an important protective layer from the tooth. It is recommended to let nature do what it knows when eating real natural food.

Sports & movement –

Move the body in the morning, do a walk or run, a body movement that raises the pulse and breathing to at least 80% of the capacity.
This is probably something that cannot be avoided. You can eat the healthiest in the world and you can have the most positive thoughts, but our body is a creature that must move to stay healthy.

Strenuous movement lowers the acidity in the body, detoxifies (sweat), and accelerates the metabolism. Running in the morning on an empty stomach is going to be one of the great healers of the oral cavity. Just give it a try.

Good sleep –

I added three more asterisks to the good sleep because for me this is the main, basic and necessary key to oral health and health in general !!

What does good sleep mean?

heal your body

– Did you get to look at the birds? Have you seen what amazing energy they have and how much they sing and jump lightly?
So what is the secret of the birds beyond the fact that they eat little?

They go to bed at sunset and get up a little before sunrise!

** Healthy sleep rule –ย  21:00 PM – 5:00 AM **

You can start by going to bed at 10:00 P.M. and get up at 6:00 A.M., and slowly get up early until 5:00 A.M. This will bring enough healing and renewed listening to the body.

Beyond the body health, sleeping during these hours will be a deep sleep and will allow the body to undergo a healing trance like we have never known before.
This will give tremendous creative power and new clarity of thought, as well as free up a lot of time that was not before.

This sleep rule rests on the understanding that our effective hours begin in the morning and end in the afternoon when the sun begins to set.
This means that all the hours between sunset and sleep time are ineffective. Wasted hours in which the body has already entered the process of slowing down and preparing for sleep.

Tip : If you too are owls (like I have been for most of my life)

Then the way to change your sleep habits is to start getting up at 5:30 even if you went to bed late.
There’s the hard day rule that says, you’re going to have one day of fatigue to reset youre body clock.
Do not give up and continue working (or what you do that day), and of course do not drink coffee or stimulants.
The idea behind it says, that after such a “tired” day you will gladely get into your bed early.

And this is exactly what needs to be done – get into bed before 22:00 and put your head on the pillow. If you do not fall asleep then continue lying down in your favorite position. No cellular and light of course.

If you are an old owls and also on this night you managed to suppress the fatigue, then get up the next morning at 5:30 am again. It’s going to be free stoned day without you investing in marijuana, but I promise you that the following night you’ll get into bed at 9pm like good kid.
It’s going to be an amazing sleep. Try it.

Get off coffee and stimulants

Further to the quality of sleep, In addition to the fact that coffee increases the acidity in the body (which leads to a series of health problems), it impairs the body’s natural fatigue process that tells us when to go to bed. Despite the belief – coffee does not stimulate us but puts the body into stress, which only seems to us to be stimulating. The long-term result of coffee is chronic fatigue and an increase in the amount of caffeine to the point of nervousness and system collapse.

In the first few days of the coffee break you may experience great fatigue and exhaustion. Not to think that something is wrong but on the contrary – This is your real fatigue, the one that has been repressed by caffeine and turned into irritability. Give the body all the rest it seeks these days, and then you will see that fatigue begins to dissipate and in its place appears a real life energy, which is worth a thousand times what caffeine tried to sell us before.

You can eat sprouts or green leaves to give your body a boost of real energy.


Tips for a Healthy Diet

Thousands of books have been written about nutrition, and yet here is the Torah on one foot as I see it:
* Eat little and as naturally as possible.
* Water water water. Drink good water and plenty of it. Also in winter – at least 3 liters a day.
* A lot of greens, no meat / fish / chicken or anything that was alive.
* Without dairy products (creating inflammation and a source of violent parasites, lowering the energy of the body).
* Eat plant-based as close as possible to the original form of food, as nature meant when it said “food”. Eat fresh and preferably organic.
* Cooking damages the nutritional value of the vegetables and destroys the fibers that are necessary for its motility in the digestive system.
* Avoid bread as much as possible, especially white bread. If you already have bread then eat one slice a day of bread from rye flour or other healthy flour.
* The first half day – eat only fruit
* Eat little fat (up to 10% of the diet)
* Learn correct food combinations (it is recommended to enter the 80/10/10 group on Facebook)


I read on the internet one or another tips on how to heal the teeth or how to heal the body in general (a sea of โ€‹โ€‹information, some of which is also contradictory), but none of them gave a comprehensive answer as to what series of actions should be taken to achieve healing and a normal weight. We all seem to want a miracle cure to reduce our pain, but there really isn’t one.
Most of the information talks about eliminating the symptoms, and it seems that this is an industry that makes a lot of money and sweeps most of the people after it.
What most of us lack is the understanding that diseases always always start from within. If caries appeared in the teeth, it means that there is an inflammation inside the body, if sores appeared on the skin, it means that there is an infection in the liver, etc.

If you want to be healthy, you need to make a change in your habits. This means getting rid of harmful habits and introducing healthy habits into the system.

As with everything, the teeth can be done gradually and not let the information I have written here startle. It’s something you get used to until it becomes nature. Step by step. The most important thing is to start.

Regarding the health of teeth and gums, it reflects the health of the whole body.
Therefore, beyond the local treatment of toothpaste and brushing, most of the tips here talk about strengthening and healing the internal systems of the body.
Our mouths are an integral part of the entire digestive system!
It is the beginning of the tube that carries the food through the body, and is completely connected with its other end.

** For those who have read and come this far, I will add,

One of the things I recommend to strengthen oral health and wellness in general, is to do a bowel cleanse once every two weeks.
For those who have a budget then go to the hydrocolonic, and for those who prefer the home method then buy an anema kit and carry out the cleaning in the morning.
It is unbelievable how many things have stuck in our intestines during the years of unconscious eating, and how much proper cleaning can stimulate the digestive system to return to functioning in a good way.
The flora of the intestines should be restored to normal, which will immediately affect the health of the beginning of the tube – the mouth and teeth.

For those who would like an extension on the act of cleaning the intestines and working with frequencies healing that I do, you are welcome to write in the comments on the source website and I will gladly answer.

Good luck
Ilan Aviv