Enlightenment – Anthony De Mello

  1. If you want enlightenment badly, you are in big trouble
  2. If you listen to me because I am enlightened, you are brainwashing yourselves
  3. The reason you suffer from your desires is because you are identified with them, you say “I am depressed” and become the depression, the mind has trained thinking that you are the depression, the joy, the desire that never remain, always changing – like passing clouds, some white and some black – you are the sky And not the clouds, you are the sky that watches the clouds, passive and undisturbed
  4. Don’t fix anything, observe, you fix things you don’t understand – things don’t need to be fixed, they need to be understood and then they change – if you want to change the world start on your own, through observation and understanding
  5. What you judge you cannot understand
  6. Be without judgment and without a certain attitude, without a desire to change what is, if you want to change what exists according to what you think should be, you will not understand what exists – a dog trainer learns from a dog in order to train it, a scientist studies the behavior of an ant without Try to train it, that’s the basic approach, so without effort you will change, without forcing it, observation will bring light to the darkness, without effort
  7. Story: A guy came to the priest and asked him to bless his dog, the priest refused and sent him somewhere else to try, before he left he told him that he was going to pay a million dollars for the blessing, the priest said to him: wait a minute, why didn’t you tell me that your dog is a Christian? ! 
  8. When we have negative feelings we tend to blame the other, he doesn’t need to change, you need to change, the world is fine, you don’t
  9. Where there is love there are no demands and expectations, no dependence, I do not demand that you make me happy, my happiness does not depend on you, if you want to leave me I will not feel sorrow for me, my true happiness is not you, it is something bigger than me and you, something I discovered , like a symphony, and with you it’s a whole music, and when I’m alone it keeps playing, it’s wakefulness, when we’re hypnotized it seems so scary, how can you say you love me and won’t let me go, or won’t let me be, how can you love me if you need me
  10. When the illusions fall away you come in contact with reality again and then you will never be lonely again
  11. Loneliness will not be cured by being with people, but only by contact with reality – when you throw away the illusions and get in touch with the real, you will only be able to discover this by throwing away the “unreal”, it is impossible to explain what is real
  12. Story: A man went to the master and asked him for a word of wisdom that would free him, the master wrote him one word “awareness”, the hobo wrote that it was not clear, let him explain, the master wrote “awareness, awareness, awareness” the hobo did not understand and asked for an explanation – the master wrote To him “awareness, awareness, awareness = awareness”
  13. The three hard things The hard things to do: 1. Return love to hate 2. Include the way out of the rule 3. Admit that you are wrong
  14. There is only one reason why you are not experiencing great happiness right now, because you are focused on what you don’t have
  15. What you are aware of you control, what you are not aware of controls you, you are always a slave to what you are not aware of
  16. When I listen to you, it is much more important for me to listen to me than to listen to you, otherwise I will not be able to hear you and distort what you say, I will come from my conditions and opinions, from my desire to succeed, it is very important that you listen and observe yourself, as you observe someone else
  17. Imagine a good driver who focuses on what you say during an argument, but he is focused on driving, and if something is not right on the road or in the car, he will transfer his awareness completely to the matter, this is not concentration, this is full awareness of what is happening
  18. Don’t look for the truth, just throw away your beliefs and opinions and you will know it – if you throw away your labels the truth will remain
  19. If you suffer, you are asleep – when you are not in touch with reality, the suffering is meant for you to absorb, to understand that there is an illness somewhere so that you wake up to reality, the suffering appears when the illusion collides with reality
  20. You become a success when you wake up, when you don’t have to apologize or explain anything to anyone, you don’t care about what others think of you, so you become a success for yourself
  21. You are not a priest, a lawyer or a plumber – if I change my professional tomorrow it will be like changing my clothes, are you the clothes, your name? – stop identifying with it. When you understand this deeply, no criticism will affect you. I am not amazing or excellent And not bad either, I’m not any of these tags, I’m generally selfish, stupid and childish – when you tell me I’m an “ass” I say: it’s great that you discovered it, I’ve been living with myself for years
  22. Want to be happy, be unstoppable – true happiness is without reason, you can’t make me happy, you are not my happiness. An awake person does not need a reason to be happy, it is the natural state, like children before they were spoiled by the stupidity of human society. You won’t be able to acquire happiness because it’s something you already have, you don’t experience it because you have to throw something away for it. Life is easy and fun when you are untagged and free from your grip
  23. First make contact with your negative emotions, you won’t be able to deal with an illness if you don’t know it exists, the first thing you need is awareness of your negative emotions.

Stress, sadness, vulnerability – make contact with them

Step 2 – understand that the feelings are inside you and not in reality – you will be a prisoner if you think they are in reality, so stop trying to see reality, the bosses and the enemies, no person in the world has the power to make you unhappy, or hurt you, no situation can make you feel emotions Goddess, you were taught the opposite that’s why you’re miserable, when you get hit by the table is the problem with the table or your leg?

Reality is perfectly fine, not problematic – the problem lies within the stupid and old person

Remove humans from planet Earth and life will continue to be without problems, you create the problems, you are the problem itself, you identify with the self and become the problem.

Never ever identify with this feeling, don’t say I’m depressed, you can say I’m experiencing depression, if you say I’m sad you’re identifying with your own illusion – let it be, let it go, it will pass, everything passes, your depression has nothing to do with happiness Yours – if you look for the drug be prepared for a hangover.

  1. What will determine your reality is not what you do but who you are, it’s not your actions it’s being, you can’t decide that until you’re awake
  2. Everything becomes beautiful when you’re awake, when you’re sleeping the trees and the landscape look blurry and you want to fix the landscape, instead of cleaning the windshield through which you see
  3. We see people not as they are but as we are
  4. When you are awake you don’t try to make good things happen, they just happen, in the awake state everything that happens is good. When you are different others will be different. You will see them differently.


Insights from Antoni de Melo’s lectures, by Ilan Aviv