We tend to think that the partner will solve our fears and therefore choose partners that are suitable for the person who hurt us in the past, or for one of the parents with whom there is an unresolved issue.

Such a connection perpetuates the inner drama of the damaged child within us and sticks the couple in a place they do not want to be.
It is important that we take care of our past vulnerabilities and that we choose our partners from the mature place, while we also allow the karmic repair to take place between the sexes.

A healthy marital connection will take place on three levels: sexual attraction – emotional connection – intellectual connection

sex appeal:
We should not give up on the sexual attraction because we will find ourselves quite quickly bored and looking for alternatives.
This is the animal place that serves as a magnet and ground for spiritual development and without it there would be no glue to connect the two.
Sexual attraction is intuitive at its core and tells us about the inherent potential within the person in front of us to create a continuation generation and a healthy physical connection. Sexual attraction (in a normal and healthy condition) conveys information to us that the person in front of us is healthy and will be able to sustain our offspring.

Many times we make a mistake in this quick judgment and find that a person we were initially attracted to rejects us after a period of time, compared to cases where people we are not attracted to turn out to be very attractive after further acquaintance.

This happens because the attraction of the developed person is made up of additional elements that influence his choice and because of hiding the body (clothes), using perfumes, using makeup, push-up bras, muscle puffing, shaving, and many other ways that people use to create a “false report” about the natural state.
Our primitive senses pick up the report and pass it through the ancient brain to the conscious and an attraction is created based on that false information.
Many times it happens that a great disappointment appears when the truth is revealed and then there is an immediate abandonment of a person who a few hours ago was the pinnacle of our dreams.
The abandonment scenario that occurs between couples who have just met is known as “the morning after”, in which a withdrawal is made after the senses have returned to a regular receptive state and the hormonal situation is balanced, the “princess” of the evening and the “perfect knight” take off the armor and the fancy dress, and the “frog and toad” is revealed ” that they didn’t want to be.

Emotional connection:
The same emotion that develops in our hearts and shows us places within us where there is love, acceptance, caring and of course all those emotions that we want to correct within ourselves such as: anger, rejection, jealousy and all those emotions that we tend to call “negative” which are not so at all.

Every emotion we experience is positive unless we repress it and then it attacks the mind and creates the same negativity we recognize.
The emotion can cause pain and suppressing it will cause negativity.
An emotional connection can usually occur from identifying traits in the partner that are similar to the traits of one of our parents with whom we have a patch to complete.

In a way that is sometimes very surprising when you look at it, you can find out how similar our previous spouses are to one or both of our parents, even if outwardly it is not so, the qualities we discover in them after getting to know them in depth turn out to be very similar.

The choice of the partner is from a very deep place and in many cases does not take into account the mind or the conscious parts that undergo a kind of manipulation that creates an idealization of the opposite sex.
The hormones secreted during sexual contact or thought are an important part of this process.
Repairing the hurt feeling with the help of deep processes can allow us to choose partners from a mature place, otherwise we will continue to maintain the same chain of injuries that we are already in.

The intellectual connection that sustains the conscious communication between the couple. Interests, listening, the ability to analyze situations, reasoning (built from social conditions and the sum of experiences up to that point) and the basic things we long to feel and experience with another person.

Common sense will direct us to the partner with whom we can connect the other parts into one, but since there are many conditions and fears in us, logical thinking is distorted and will be forced to create for us the prison of thought and consciousness, because the mind is impaired by a lack of understanding of emotion and sexuality.

The mind is an individual part that maintains a reality for itself as it pleases because we have taught it over the years that this is its right and we allowed it to happen after the emotion led us many times into the same pain that we could not resolve and sexuality drew us to partners with whom we did not continue a generation.

Our goal is to connect the parts and unite them into one part so that they work harmoniously, we should not give power to one part more than the other because all three are very important and will not allow us to have a healthy connection if one is missing.

In conclusion – a spiritual connection:
The high connection of our consciousness is a necessity for the success of the three connections mentioned here.
A spiritual connection is a supreme agreement of our higher levels to make a joint transformation.
Included in this rule is the “karma” (law of learning) that we have with certain people with whom we must perform the correction.
Our subconscious will choose the most suitable person according to the calculations of our growth chances and will not take into account how pleasant we will be in the relationship.

The other person will serve as a mirror for us and force us to change and develop.
If someone presses us on a sensitive point and we jump, he actually helps us understand the places inside us that still ask for correction and growth.
The immediate reaction is often to blame the other for not acting as we expect.
In a situation where we are not aware that we are creating what we see in front of us and the other is only a reflection of us, we will feel deep disappointment and throw our pain onto the other, while we continue to wander from one relationship to another.
The spiritual connection dictates the completion of the process between two consciousnesses, while each person has gone through his lessons and achieves independence.
and a direct connection with the entire creation, only then will he be able to reach a connection with another person.

Many times I have been asked, is there only one person with whom we can connect a cosmic connection – true love.
The answer is “yes”, but that person can be anyone on the planet, even the salesperson at the clothing store, the taxi driver,
A friend at work or any unknown figure who unexpectedly enters your life.

In a situation where we are looking for the one/one, all human beings have the potential to be!!!
When we find him/her, there will be only the same one.
It’s important to remember that the future is an illusion and we only have the here and now, so it’s time to look for love where it really is.
It is located between the stomach and the throat, and this place is called…heart!

Good luck with the connection

Writer: Ilan Aviv