– The big MotorBike trip  Goa <-> Auroville

leaves Goa on February 17 this coming Saturday

We are Excited to share with you about going for a 15 days Motorbike trip – Coast-to-Cost East to West India  ✨

>- Each direction will take about 4-5 days as we cross one of the most beautiful green regions in India.

We stay and explore the east coast for a few days and back in Goa until March 2.

>- Only 2 more places left for MotorBikers registration and 3 more pillion riders (passengers) are welcome to join.

we’re excited for this extraordinary and special journey of crossing India from coast to coast ✨

– The one-day tradition Saturday MotorBike trips will return to the series on March 9 –

– Please share with friends who might want to join –

Enjoy life in lovely India > 8-) 


// — Joining is FREE –//

To participate in Goa-Auroville Trip, please fill out the registration form below ⬇⬇⬇


>>> Group dynamics and flow
– We leave South Goa together on the morning of February 17th
– We usually drive 1-1.5 hours and stop for a short rest
– We move in a group the whole way, with each rider able to ride at a different speed, just make sure to keep in touch with the group from time to time
– As a rule of thumb – we are not in a hurry and we like to enjoy the road and the beautiful nature we see
– If one of us wants to stop then we must pass the others and stop so that the others can follow
– For any problem, we have our WhatsApp group to update and receive updates along the way
– We stop for lunch at noon, usually when people say they are hungry
– We support each other all the way and maintain good energy and a warm human attitude. This is a group of people who care about others.
– When we get to Aroville, each of us will be able to take some personal time and relax, sit in the restaurants and enjoy ourselves, while we plan together our tours on the east coast.

>>> Preparations for the trip
– Make sure your motorcycle is in good mechanical condition
– Service it if necessary
– Fill the tires with air to the correct pressure
– Make sure your luggage is securely tied down to keep the motorcycle balanced
– Get a good night’s sleep before we go

 >>> For pillion riders
– Being a pillion rider is being a co-pilot on the ground :)
– During the journey give support to your rider and it is important to make sure that your rider is alert while riding
– Ask the rider if your seat is comfortable for him because sometimes small feedbacks from the rider can make the ride much more fun and safe.
– Make sure in advance that you have a comfortable and tight helmet for the trip

>>> Travel rules –
– No alcohol or drugs during the ride
– Moving as a group – wait if you don’t see other riders in your back
– Drive safely – drive as fast as you feel safe
– We eat vegetarian food on the way
– It is possible to switch between pillion riders

>> What to bring with you on the trip?

– Your motorcycle and yourself
– Helmet with wind shield
– Bottle of water
– Motorcycle registration and insurance documents
– Comfortable clothes for riding
– Bathroom utensils
– Mobile phone + charger
– Good vibes




Enjoy life in lovely India > :)

MotorBike Trips in Goa

Registration Form Goa<->Auroville

Gender *
Do you have a Motorbike? *
Do you have experience with Driving motorbike? *
like someone to join you as a passenger? *
Experience as a motorbike passenger? *
Join our WhatsApp Group ↑ *
Join our Facebook Group ↑ *
How did you found us? *