I met a friend who told me that he had a lot of money, a beautiful woman and everything he wanted in life. So I invited him to sit with me for a cup of coffee.
He told me he didn’t have time. So I asked him: “How is it possible that you are connected to abundance and still worked of time?”.

And you dear person, do you have enough time to observe life? A TIME WHERE YOU ARE IN A KIND OF WONDERING, WONDERING TIME, LISTENING TIME, MEDITATION. A moment in which you think and create your next steps. For most people, this seems like a waste of time, because during this time you can do more things, be productive.

Make a career, study, work, be in a relationship, be nice, shop and live cramped.
Do we do these just because sometime we started doing all these?
Have you ever stopped to ask whether you really want to do what you do in life…?

To continue things that you have started doing, just because you have started doing them, means to be in the drift of life, when the attitude of abundance and love requires you to always be in listening to this moment, to what is happening with you now.
It is important that you see the drift alive! No matter when you created it because it was created when you were sleeping, and when you catch yourself getting carried away, if you are a sane person you start to struggle with it and try to stop your drift. When you start to wake up and meet your inertial force that keeps you away from love, you will initially invest a large amount of energy to stop the drift, and then you will find yourself in an absurd situation where you realize that it is you who is creating the drift and also investing a lot of energy to stop it…
After you stop the erosion you will have a lot of energy that will allow you to grow, but the thing is that now you need to organize energy from your emergency warehouses to stop the erosion and make a change that will fit the new way of life in which you want to live.

What will ultimately determine your being, who you are, is where you direct your consciousness.
Are you facing the light? To yourself or to the other? Are you alone or together? Are you awake now?

The people around you are mirrors that remind you of your direction, so don’t measure the abundance in life in how many things you achieve, but how much inspiration you give to others while doing in life what you love most, while getting back to being who you really are.

Author: Ilan Aviv Student of the Universe