Work Plan & Projects Leaders
People Forever Community

Dear volunteers,
On this page is the list of positions and the basic work plan of the community, as we call the position holders “project leaders”, thus creating a space where we do what we love and learn to harness others to our actions.
Please read the roles that are required for the community to function, and choose the leadership you would like to take during your volunteering period in the community.
Some of the positions are intended for core members only, and if you have chosen such a position then you can do it in coordination with a core member or with the founder.

This page is updated on a regular basis, so please check back here from time to time to keep up to date with changes.

  • Geodesic dome building leader
    Leading the geodesic dome building project means creating a living space for the people of the community while learning how to build dome-shaped houses. The second part of the project is the construction of a large geodesic dome that will serve as a common space where we will hold the meetings and workshops we will host. Anyone can participate in the construction of the domes when the core members will receive private residences in one of the domes.

  • ย Marketing and Social Media leader
    To reach out to the world and invite others to join us in building the community is important and instructive leadership.
    In today’s world, we are moving more and more into the digital dimension, and this is undoubtedly our main means of communication with each other.
    Being a marketing leader involves being aware of our psychological side as a group working to raise awareness in the world, as well as being attentive to team members who will contribute they insights to the marketing leader.

  • Cleaning and hygiene leader
    Cleanliness and hygiene leadership is about a level of awareness and empathy that extends all the way into our internals.

    Whoever takes on the role will be able to benefit from excellent self-study while also making a significant contribution to the group by ensuring that the space in which we work and the food we eat is as clean and orderly, as the space between us.

  • Organic farming leader
    You will surely agree that it is satisfying and fascinating to watch plants develop from the moment they are seeds to the point where they are edible, and you have the opportunity to be the person to lead this project together with others.
    To be an organic farming leader you have to be in the community for a long time, because this project requires long-term monitoring and supervision of the small plants that need special attention at the beginning of their journey.
    Planting and watering the growing plants is healing and fun, and can be a great meditation.

  • Photography and documentation leader
    A role that necessitates certain photography skills and spatial vision, as well as a passion for the graphics of reality as they are reflected in the material world in which we live.
    Documentation is an important aspect of our work because it allows us to share vivid impressions of our activities with the rest of the world.
    The documentation leader will collaborate with the marketing leader to help us all tell our story to the world.

  • Design, decoration, and space organisation leader
    Suitable for artists, painters, and people with an artistic bent who want to create the most beautiful version of our reality.
    This will be a fun and colourful drive for those who appreciate beauty and shapes, while leading others to onnect to their artistic talent.

  • Content creator and workshop facilitator leader
    A position that requires its leader to look at the big picture and cast into the content the appropriate activities that will respond to the need and convey the message we want to convey to the people.
    This is a binding leadership that requests a meeting with teachers and therapists to determine which of them are best suited to convey the contents that we want to convey in our community.

  • Chef and nutrition leader
    Who among us does not crave healthy and delicious food prepared with love by one of our friends?
    This is the place where we can express our creativity and give from the heart what we want to give to others, while the chef can experiment with new dishes based on his creative imagination and enjoy a well-equipped and high-quality kitchen.
    Being the community chef involves keeping us all healthy and strong, while giving your love in a humble and beautiful way.

  • Mood and music leader
    The leader has the opportunity to lift everyone’s spirits through music, games, movies, or any other creative means he sees fit.
    ensuring that everyone enjoys what they are doing and, on occasion, lending a listening ear when someone is having difficulty, giving a hug, and ensuring that we are all in our best mood

  • Events production leader
    This role is an amazing creation in material and the realization of our ideas into reality.
    After sitting for hours and creating an event that is meant to lift us up, the event production leader will take our ideas and make sure they are built into the material world we are all connected to. If you enjoy wielding a hammer and working with your hands while creating transformative spaces for others, this role is for you.

  • Work programme leader
    A visionary who can project our vision into the future and map out our path to get there. It’s like breaking down a big idea into simple steps that we can follow step by step until we get to where we want to go.
    A position that necessitates the ability to plan and see strategically while also listening to team members and other leaders.

  • Teamwork supervisor leader
    The work leader in the team dances with everyone and helps them have good communication and the dynamics that make creation possible, much like taking puzzle pieces and putting them together to form one picture while they are in motion.
    The leader must be connected to his personal leadership and understand how group dynamics produce the best and most enjoyable results.

  • Community knowledge gathering leader
    Suitable for those who are curious about community life and group work, as well as those who enjoy exploring and learning.
    This is remote communication work in which we observe other successful communities or learn from the failures of other communities that operate similarly to ours.
    In this role you will have the opportunity to learn new things, as well as teach others what you have learned and share your insights with community members.

  • Group for review and feedback leader
    Last but not least, is a leader who will gather feedback about our behaviour and emphasis areas where we can improve and strengthen.
    Being a feedback leader is an interesting and challenging role that requires the holder to step outside of the group consciousness for a moment and look at us from the outside, then return inside and tell us how we function and how we appear from the outside.
    We as a group will pay close attention to the feedback leader’s suggestions, and together we will determine the best way to implement creative changes to move us closer to realising our vision.


Work plan and milestones


1.05.2023 – 31.05.2023

  • Building the first geodesic doom
  • Recruiting core members
  • Recruiting volunteers for a long stay
  • Developing the website with automation
  • Compiting the creation of the work flow
  • Marketing & Graphics
  • Public relasions on media & tourists in the arie

01.06.2023 – 30.06.2023

  • Building a lage workshops and events dome
  • Holding a community week-long process retreat
  • Preparing the space for the mosoon season
  • Planting of organic herbs and vegetables
  • Advertising video and stills materials

01.07.2023 – 31.07.2023

  • 3 core members on board + 3 volunteers for a long stay
  • Promoting the community track and creating an internal training track
  • Creating an introductory event and inviting people from abroad to stay
  • Building a support track for community members interested in relocation
  • Creating in-depth workshops and a space for personal healing in the space