For those who have once touched on the study of Kabbalah, a clear description of the eternal universe/Creator/God can be seen.
"Know that, before the nobles were saved and the created were created, there was an infinite light filling all reality."
In this description, it is emphasized that the entire universe was created from the thought of infinity/eternity, and therefore the eternity of things is inherent in the code of the universe, in every object and living being that walks the earth.
All you have to do is raise your head to the sky and realize that space is infinite/eternal.
It does not matter how much a spacecraft flies in a straight line into space, it will continue to fly infinitely.
And now it remains only to connect the infinity of the universe to the human body,
to understand that there is an infinite code of life embedded in it,
that the universe lives within,
That the universe wants man to exist.
The intrinsic limitation lies in the faith of man, and in the fact that he is convinced that he is finite.
And therefore, the first step that must be solved is found within each of us.
to see death as an option,
and choose life,
Only for those who really want to live.