With unparalleled eloquence, Terence McKenna dives deep into the ability of psilocybin mushrooms to solve problems that man cannot reach on his own. Over the centuries, the mysterious fungus has provided shamanic body-mind researchers with a change in the direction of thinking and has given them a non-human perspective to human problems, which we as a species alone will only perpetuate.

After being sarcastically asked Terence "why doesn't he just ask the psilocybin mushroom how to save the planet?", The question continued to echo in his head, until he began to ask the question himself, "How can we save the world?" After much deliberation, he decided to take a step forward and refer the question to the fungus and ask her for a solution. The peshtria, which is an extremely intelligent being, gave him an answer that may sound shocking to some people, but when you listen to the depth of the understandings he reached afterwards, it seems that this is indeed an answer that provides a useful solution to solve the problem of overpopulation of our world, and to raise the standard of living to a place worthy of all of us.

Source Article (English) Terence-McKenna-Asked-Magic-Mushrooms-How-To-Save-The-Planet