What are we really afraid of?
Are you reading there?

The thought of living forever is daunting because of what?
Because we can actually beat death?
Because once we realize that we are alive and not dead, then we have actually started to live?
Because of a huge light that will illuminate us and those around us?

Could it be that the real fear is to discover the immense and infinite power that is within us?

Could it be that all the doubts, negative thoughts, oppressions, etc. are the result of defending against life?

Bring more vivid moments to our lives and choose:
– To direct our work and thought to the context of eternal life.
– Living in the now and not in an illusory dimension
-Enjoy!!! Life is so rich and full of laughter and beauty and music and dance, let's live it.
-Stay! – Do not run away!. In difficult moments to stay and experience, observe and show the body that we are together and we are capable of winning – forever

Suddenly I see that "hiding" in the word eternity, the word victory,
From here I see it from a place of victory over death = eternity.

For anyone who even tickles the things that are written here,
You are invited to write, share and take a step towards eternity.
Don't wait for it to make sense/work out with your belief system or any other excuse that just drives you away.
Just go for it!