Human beings have sought the elixir of life in any period of history, and soon it may happen … GMOs – We know that cell aging is encoded in DNA, as defined by the Hayflick restriction… This means that a normal human cell replicates itself and divides 50-60 times, and does not continue to do so anymore.When telomeres become too short, the chromosome cannot replicate itself anymore, and the cell becomes old and dies.There are scientists who are already learning how DNA can be modified to prevent telomeres from shortening … The latest developments in the fields of biotechnology and editing of the human genome make the transformation possible in the near future.

This can be done by modifying an enzyme called telomerase, which is present in all cells but is practically inactive.When activated, it allows the cells to divide again and again, the telomerase is actually what makes cancer cells immortal, as can be seen in a 1951 experiment that caused the cells to mutate continuously to this day, to the point that this part is no longer considered human, but a new strain.

Nanotechnology – Some scientists believe that people will soon be able to insert microscopic machines into their bodies that will travel through their bodies, repairing damaged cells and organs, eliminating diseases, and even supporting our memories. Scientist Ray Kurzweil believes that humans will only have to wait another 20 years to get nanobots circulating in their veins, which will provide maintenance and even repair of biological organ failure.Humans will be able to live in perfect shape while the robots work inside them, but there are concerns that the method will cause the nanobots to spin out of control and replicate themselves, which could lead to a zombie-cyborg apocalypse, and some say they might also be able to take over Earth in a matter of days.

Medical cloning – Recently, significant progress has been made in the field of robotics for people without limbs, and still many scientists also use biotechnology to create medical organ cloning. The method uses the cultivation of stem cells from the patient's DNA to recover the lost limbs and bones, or the restoration of diseased tissues or organs that have failed.Medical cloning can create organ clones of any size, for those who want to live forever …

Cryonics – is the science of using ultra-cold temperatures to keep the body alive and restore full health in the future. It is estimated that there are already 200 people who have taken on the process and have been frozen since 1967 … But to this day, no technology has yet been invented that can bring these people back to life without killing them.The main problem is that the water in our body creates frozen ice crystals, which will cause damage to neighboring tissues during thawing, preventing the chances of complete recovery. We still do not know what the future holds, and it is possible that solving these problems will become simple. In the future, you can, for example, rejuvenate yourself like Benjamin Button, reverse the direction and become immortal. Would you like to be immortal?