There is no more time left to take inspiration, it’s time to be the inspiration! (From Jack’s words – People Unlimited).

After watching People Unlimited talk/share/video call, I got inspired to inspire people around us and in general. show ourselves that we are capable!!!! Able to love in a big way! Able to live the life we want – a life worth living!

A good friend once told me… “Live life as if you have cameras on you 24/7 and everyone is watching”.
How then would we treat our lives? And if we live life in the context of inspiration, how much are we an inspiration to the world?
Giving versus taking inspiration?
To clarify, I don’t think taking inspiration is a bad thing, but how long will we be in that comfortable place where we depend on other people to do the work for us?

And perhaps it is more correct to ask, do we really want to be inspired? Are we ready to give up the way of death and choose the way of eternity, and show that it is indeed possible?

I think each of us is an influencer – a strong influencer! We do matter!!