It is interesting that in all the conversations about nursing aging of my parents that I participated in online, no one talks about a community of people who take care of each other and stay together, or, Heaven forbid, about the possibility of beating the disease of old age.

(Dictionary:  Child-free, non parenting, antinatalisem = people who have chosen to live outside the circle of reproduction. do not make children and are not interested in doing/having in the future)

I understand that I’m bringing here an innovative approach (actually an ancient one that was deliberately shelved), but maybe we should start by remembering that this world was once tribal tribes, and the whole story of family units started to enslave people to a survival system of procreation – caring for offspring – death. It’s the most well-oiled money and control machine on the planet. (Delusional that people don’t resent it).

If we have already gathered here a multitude of people outside the shocking breeding box, then I suggest continuing to get out of the terrible box of aging, and look for healthy alternatives to another world in which the child-free person has full legitimacy for a good life.

Who of the people for whom the idea of life without death shocks him, or who is just waiting for its end, is good to ask himself why he is not ending his life now?
Why wait for a slow withering of anguish?

And speaking of aging, then why not be surrounded by people who care about us?! And not to be dumped in some foreign nursing home, or dependent on the mercy of the next generation, most of whose efforts will be to survive on their own instead of caring for the perishable generation that gave them birth.

An extremely cruel circle. The way you look at it.
And it doesn’t have to happen.

I think that the cessation of procreation is only one piece of the puzzle, and thought must also be given to creating a good and real life that continues.
I am not talking here to the suicidal among us who will try to convince me that death is a good thing, I am addressing those who have a burning spark of life inside of them, who would like to meet more people who want to live and live.

Yes, we all have a lot of complaints about the world, and a large part of them are justified. But this does not help us to live better.

I’ve recently met so many special, out-of-the-box people who have given up their possible biological continuation, so let’s give our parenting god a positive direction.A direction of life and meaning, a life in which there are other people who care about each other.

You don’t have to be thrown out of the mainstream of humanity and settle for remnants, but you can introduce a new awareness that is joined every day by people who have understood the disaster of reproduction (for those who have noticed the number of child-free Facebook groups).

We as non parents have a time and awareness that the circle of reproduction does not have (does not mean that we are better. only discernment) and instead of settling for what is left for this small group, they can be exploited for the leadership of a new way of life, to be at the forefront of society and not on the margins. Raise your head and say an opinion contrary to the herd, and take into account that the herd will be alarmed.

And it will take time for the message to be absorbed into the general consciousness.

You have to persevere and not give up.
But together, always together
where the power is

Writer: Ilan Aviv