Community Space & House rules
People Forever Goa Community

At “People Forever” community house, we share a clean and well maintained space to create harmony for us .

To keep us all safe, we have decided on a number of basic and logical rules that we will ask all volunteers and guests to follow with understanding and love:

Food – the community space is vegan, so the food we bring into the space is vegan only (no meat, fish or dairy products)

Clear Mind – no drugs or alcohol in the space and no use during volunteering.

Animals – we love animals but leave them off the community site.

Providing service to the community – each volunteer provides service with tasks every day for 6 hours. Our main practice in community is to be of service to others.

Noise – Sound is a vibration in space, so we are sensitive to ourselves and others about the amount of noise we create.

Smoking tobacco – allowed outside only, with sensitivity to others.

Order and cleanliness – we keep the common space clean and tidy, clean the kitchen after each use and wash the dishes while keeping the sink clean.

Kitchen – the most active and sensitive place in the community space, so we must keep it clean and organized throughout the volunteering period. After using the kitchen, leave it clean, and keep the sink clean of dishes.

– Return the dishes and food to their agreed place so that we don’t waste precious time looking for groceries and dishes.

– Washing dishes – use soap and wash the dishes thoroughly with plenty of water. Place the dishes to dry so that their tops do not touch the marble surface.

Hygiene – we shower at least once a day, wash our hands after using the toilet and before preparing food, wash the vegetables with a little soap, and do not passing dishes from mouth to mouth.

The residents live in a shared space (Geosesic dome) living with 1-2 other people max, while maintaining the privacy and comfort of the residents. we maintain a clean, organized and stable space energy.

The tenants of the dome are allowed to use the attuched kitchen & shower.

Privacy and personal belongings – each of us has our own personal space and belongings, so we respect the personal space of others, and do not touch other people’s belongings without their permission.

Personal space – a person’s body is in his/her full possession and therefore we listen to the other’s body language to understand how open he is at the moment to creating physical contact or communication.

Tools – keep the tools intact and in good condition while you work on projects, and return them to their place in an orderly manner at the end of use. If any of the work tools are missing or broken, please inform the project leader.

Volunteer time period – volunteers commit to a period of at least 1 month of service to the community and can extend they stay by registration in The main community office.

Initiated shortening of stay – in some cases the core group may decide to end the volunteering period and inform the person while providing an appropriate waiting time.

Communication – The Community communication is transformative, where we are open to listening to others and receiving feedback, as well as giving feedback to others for their growth. When we are with the group we are obliged to be in communication. If someone wants quiet time, they better find a private and quiet space.

Maintenance – all the volunteers take care of the regular maintenance of the space. Cleaning, arranging, buying groceries and designing the use so that we have a pleasant place to stay.

Roles – each of us chooses a field and role through which he wants to give of himself to others. We see each of us as a leader and therefore those responsible are called “project leaders”, with the understanding that we first lead ourselves and only then harness others by setting an example.

  • ๅฝก DAILY AGENDA ใƒŸ
    8:00 โ€“ Start the day by practising movement, yoga, meditation,
    or whatever suits you. If you eat breakfast, itโ€™s time to eat.
    09:00 – 12:00 โ€“ Daily missions in the community project.
    12:00- 13:30 โ€“ lunch brake.
    13:30 โ€“ 16:00 Continue with service.
    16:00 โ€“ Free time.

Weekly community agenda

  • Saturday – communal rest day, internal workshops and conversations.
  • Sunday – free day of doing a lot of nothing.
  • Tuesday – 18:00 joint event outside the communal space.
  • Wednesday – space cleaning day.