There is a question that most of you do not even give your opinion on, and I will now drag you into a discussion about a topic that you will think I am crazy, that there is something wrong with me in my head but no problem. It is necessary once or not always to ask this question. “Why do we want children? Why do we think that life should always be as parents? Why is it that even when we cannot have children, we adopt children? Why are we closed on the fact that a family without children is defective? Why are single-parent women and single-parent men looking for ways to have children, the main thing is to be parents? What is this lust for procreation that we have? Where does she come from? Is it evolutionary? Is it the result of environmental pressure? Is it genetic? What’s going on? After all, I hear parents now saying, “Oh blessed is the summer vacation, what am I going to do with the children? How much do summer camps cost, how will I work?” Trouble from here until further notice with children, and people continue to have children. What is the secret of the creation of reproduction except for that sentence of “pro and multiply and fill the country”. Religious people make children because it is a religious commandment, but why do secular people make children?  

And not all of them. We will expose to you now people who do not want to be parents, do not want to see children who are the fruit of their loins. We will discuss this with four people and you will discover new insights that you did not know. Not that I’m saying you’re going to stop your loin area and give up sex tonight to have a child, but I’m trying to stimulate you a bit for a different thought in this area as well. Maybe it’s mostly heresy, I don’t know but we’re starting.