To stay alive, we have to go through the environmental and internal negativity of staying here forever.
It is important to be around people who think positively about the continuity of life. Change the mind set related to aging, because the usual way of thinking of people requires aging with all its negative effects.
Death is a level of intelligence that is present in the body, which we inherited from our ancestors, and now we are changing it and transforming it into a place of continuity.

Better to go for a full and big life. Do not settle for the crumbs that are offered to us. We have the opportunity to create a world that we have never created before. A world we will be proud of.

There is no sweetness in the equation of life forever, We invent the way because we are the first to do it on Earth.

For those who have already connected and chosen to live forever, it is important to live in a community that supports life and encourages the person to think in a way that promotes life. People together support life and are encouraged to get out of the death trap and the general message of killing each other, and instead remind each other that life is beautiful.

Loving to be part of a team and seeing how much can be created when we operate in a group. There is excitement together in ours. For me it is so nutritious and encouraging.
We don’t have the support for eternal life from family and co-workers, so we connect with people who have already chosen to live, and thus encourage us to live out of who they are.

Jim and Bernie have been delivering the message of eternal life for 50 consecutive years in the U.S.

* In Israel, People Forever movement has been active for over 10 years
and promotes a message of creating a community that lives forever in aware consciousness.