Time is an illusion that can be disassembled, while The universe exists forever.

See it as if your movement is through it.
The movement is circular, and the points are repeated.
You don’t have to move and have a linear time, and you can observe motionless.
But out of the immobility there will be no experience of the universe.

Time is an illusion that can be disassembled.

See you come out of things, you don’t move into them or look at them,
You are all things.After all, you know that the universe code is eternal. Eternity is not something to be achieved by those who synchronize with.
Love is the glue that infects all the parts of the universe and therefore in order to restore the separation to its original integrity you will have to reconnect with your heart and find in it the love that will be the basic material through which you can call back to the lost parts and reconnect them to be one.
Everything exists in the universe as it is forever and it is only the mind that moves through things and creates the movement we call change. Be quiet and steady to understand the eternity that you are.

Your body is one of the reflections of consciousness. It is a mental, physical-energetic reflection, within the material dimension, which is the dimension of realization, the end of creation, the world of making, the ground that holds all of creation. This root is an inseparable part of the universe, of the observing, awake, consciousness that exists.

As a person, you can move from the root world to the source world. This movement will be in your mind.
The body is not as temporary as many tend to believe.
It is encoded in the same eternal code in which all things are encoded.
Author: Ilan Aviv