The Lamb and the Lion

I have come to the conclusion that the concept of “unconditional giving” does not exist in our world.
By living in a dual world, we are made up of 2 extremes, one end being receiving and the other giving.
If one end is blocked, the other end is also blocked and we get closer to a state of complete stagnation, we will approach the end, on the contrary of the “there”.

A person will never do anything, say a word, or do an action, unless it is in return for his own pleasure.
It is important that this person understands the reward he has from his actions, but he should not cling to this reward because that way he will lose the pleasure of giving.

As human beings, we are “doomed” to crave and seek pleasure and joy, and this rule will be reflected in everything we do.
If we have agreed to see this condition of existence, we can understand that giving has its own enjoyment, thus saving us from having to receive back from those who have given it.

We have been taught that it is right and moral to give charity to the poor, sick and disabled, and if we give it a second thought, we will become aware of the painful fact that, while contributing to those weak, we give legitimacy to them to continue being in our world and in fact, directly, create and strengthen the existence of the weak.

When we give money to beggars – we make sure there are beggars when we give money for medicines – we make sure there are diseases when we give money to make weapons – we make sure there are wars

And of course we can continue to roll out this idea, until we are horrified enough to understand the way in which we give a hand to all those ills of the world that we want to avoid.

And this thought raises more questions…
What will happen if we stop giving money to beggars?will there still be beggars?
What happens if we do not agree to an increase in fuel prices and do not buy fuel at exorbitant prices?
Let’s have fun with that thought a bit…

If all residents of your Counrty decide that tomorrow morning the prices of fuel fall by 50% and do not buy fuel until the prices drop.
What do you think will happen? How long will it take for the government to lower prices?

Could it be that within a few days fuel prices would have plummeted and the country would have continued to conduct itself in the same way? Only in such a case the power will be in the right place for it to be, the power will be in the hands of the many.

Every time we give money or energy to any idea, we become part of the idea and support all the consequences of that idea.

For example:
If we buy products that are advertised on TV, we will make sure that advertisements continue to grow and bother us.
If we continue to buy meat, the killing of animals will continue to exist.
If we continue to talk on cell phones without control, the level of radiation will increase.
If we continue to use hazardous chemicals, the ozone hole will continue to grow…

There are many more examples of us supporting with our own hands the things we dislike, and every day we give a hand to a world we do not want to live in.

When we think about giving money to a beggar, we think that we are doing kindness to him, the truth is that we make him stay exactly where he is, and in fact, this giving is intended so that we get a momentary sense of satisfaction from the fact that we are not in the place of that beggar, and to enjoy the feeling that we are now giving something of value to someone (a  few cents that will change his life forever?!).

Maybe instead of giving that beggar money, we remind him that he can make money in another way and offer him knowledge that will help him make money?
But it’s already a more difficult task than opening the air-conditioned car window and threading a few cents into the hand of the unfortunate, and then feeling that a stone has fallen from our hearts.

How do you feel when the beggar stands by the car window and you don’t give him money?
Do you feel ashamed? Click? Are you anxiously waiting for the traffic light to change to green?


Who does it really serve to have beggars, sick and weak in our world?
Does not it serve the fear that we will become them weak?
When we give them money, do we not make sure that they remain weak in our world?

When we approach this issue, we encounter the resistance of inner morality that tells us that it is a commandment to give money to the poor, while this morality does not stop to ask, why are there even poor people in the world?

We were taught to think that there are rich and poor people in the world.
We were told that there is such an animal called “luck” and there are people who win it and those who do not.
Still remains puzzling the reason why there are people who get the lucky beast and those who do not.
Those who have won it enjoy a life full of abundance, pleasures, thrills, pleasures and joy, and no longer face fears or difficulties at all, we have been told that whoever has this amazing animal becomes enlightened overnight.
All those people on the street, rushing to all those offices and constantly running around in search of the amazing animal.
They are willing to exclude sleep hours from their eyes, they are willing to give up their dreams, they agree to be difficult, disappointed and bad for others and the environment, only to be able to quickly catch the animal, and free themselves from the thought that they are not lucky animals.

Of course, the beast of fortune is a wonderful children’s fairy tale that calms the inner voice of question that threatens those who know the truth, and those who want them to be poor in the world and thus maintain their power in front of them.
If there were such an animal in the world, I think we would have found its country of origin a long time ago and sailed there to get us as many animals as we wanted, but this is a lost battle ahead of time because the real reason why there are rich people is, that they know something that the poor don’t know…
They know that true wealth is in the perception of inner reality, and that no matter how hard a person works, he will never be able to get rich from it, but the establishment continues to teach his generations and train them for a life full of activity and strenuous work so that they will obtain the same wealth they have been dreaming of all their lives, but have never stopped to wonder, where that dream began, and why they have not fulfilled it to this day.

A question for me to you,
What would happen if we took all the money in the world and distributed it to all people equally?
What do you think would have happened within a year?


You guessed it??!!!
Take some more time to think…..

So here’s how…

In less than a year, the poor would return to being poor and the rich would return to being rich!!!


Let’s try to figure it out,
Wealth and poverty are states of consciousness of man.
Through thought, a person creates the reality in which he lives and directs all his actions in accordance with that thought (most often subconscious).
A poor person acts as a poor person and a rich person acts as a rich man.

What would happen if from tomorrow morning all our thoughts and actions became the thoughts and actions of the rich?
How long will it take us to become wealthy?

Obviously, very little time will pass until we double and triple our income and capital.

A poor person does not see beyond poverty, he believes that he should survive in the world and all his actions are aimed at survival.
A rich person directs all his actions to increase the abundance he already has and survival is not in his consciousness at all.

To whom do we give power?
To whom do we give our money?
Do we give our money to people we don’t believe in, or would we rather give our money to people who contribute to the world we live in and work to make it better?

Do we want to give support to people who want this world to remain the state of survival, or do we want to develop and promote people who have the initiative and desire to give to people and our world?

Are we willing to be brave to reexamine our moral values and ask all the questions we are afraid to ask ourselves?

Perhaps the next time we meet a person who has had a significant impact on us, and believe that he is giving the world what we would like to give, we will simply pull out the wallet and issue a bill for him. In this action, we express our support and desire to have more people like him in the world.

If we look deeply at ourselves, we realize that the true power is within us and we have the ability to change everything we expect others to sleep.
All we have to do is direct our energy and actions towards growth and development, while giving up time and time again who we were before, creating a new and evolving “I” with each day that arises.

What is the real reason that the rulers of the society in which we live do not reveal to us the path to wealth and freedom?

If we give it a deep thought, we will realize that if we discover the real reason why we are not rich, we will have to say goodbye to the illusion that someone else will solve our problems for us and we will have to take responsibility for who we are, and probably change the social structure in which we live.

The world in which we live is built on domination and hierarchy, in which there are always weak and strong, good and bad, beautiful and ugly, low and high.
Obviously, the strong rule over the weak, and the weak wait for the strong to reveal to them the secret of power and then be freed from their slavery.

In such a world, others can be easily controlled, and this control confers a kind of pseudo-security for the dominators, and pseudo-security for the dominated.
This form of control is ancient and was practiced in times when the level of awareness of the individual was very low and only a small handful of people were aware of the ability to create and the freedom of choice, these are the same people who are in governments today, the rich and all those influential people, more famous or not famous at all.
The reason they are influential is not because they are smarter or more successful than the others, but rather that they simply control others with the help of the same fears that have been planted in the consciousness of the masses committed to consuming the same means of feeding in a regular and measured way.
One of the means of feeding intimidation and control is the rectangular screen that is found in almost every home in the Western world and plays the voices of “truth” as they chose to present it to us by those “successful” people.
Television is the main channel for transmitting information to the masses, when the masses genuinely believe that everything that is broadcast on this channel is “the truth for real”, when in fact, there is no way to know whether it is the truth or not.

When will the masses stop consuming this dangerous drug?

Several times in the past, I have spoken to people addicted to the “rectangular screen” drug, and asked them to turn off the television for a week in their home to recheck the veracity of the information using logic and common sense.
The responses I received were aggressive, and then I realized that I had threatened the reality in which they lived, I was amazed to discover the defense systems that arose in them, in their desperate attempts to protect the rectangular drug.
Usually, addicted people do not know that they are addicted, and will attack anyone who wants to awaken them to the truth.
The well-known phenomenon in watching the news is, the incredible curiosity of viewers to be up to date with what is happening, and not to miss important real happenings,
While they are not as curious about their own lives and the happenings that happen in their immediate vicinity.
Such a convenient way to escape to another place and transfer to other people the responsibility for the reality in which we live.

The control of the consciousness of the masses comes in several forms:

The herd phenomenon
The sheep always follows its friend, without asking or exploring the direction in which its friend is walking, in this way one sheep can be led and followed by many sheep.
The sheep will never raise its head to the carrier, and ask it where it is going. Obviously, the first sheep also has no idea where it is headed, it follows the shepherd.

Another form of control is:

If the sheep is afraid of the dog that the shepherd has placed in the corner, she will continue to walk wherever she is told, without asking or questioning the direction.
The common fear planted in the mind is, what will happen if the sheep leave the herd? “Something bad will happen to you if you are not together with the crowd”
The implant of consciousness is, “Outside the herd there are big, hungry and bad dogs that will devour you if you leave the herd”,
And here we are, crowded, sticky, hot, safe and pleasant.”
From time to time, one of the sheep will dare to leave the herd, and then the dog will pounce on her and frighten her to death, she will immediately return to the herd from being unable to cope with the dog, the sheep is isolated from the rest of the sheep and unable to cope.

What do you think would have happened if the herd had united and decided to attack the dog? Alas for him for the dog and for the shepherd… Right?

And additional means of control:

What is the most ingenious way in which we can control the herd without it rebelling?
After all, there will always be those who will understand the mechanism and revolt everyone, or who will run away from the herd and the others will follow in their footsteps.

We’ll make them think they’re free!

Just ingenious, because if the sheep thought they were free in nature, they would never want to run away.
If we teach them that pastureland is everything that exists in the world, they will never want to look for other pastures and truly believe that this is the legitimate freedom for all creatures of the world.

So we’ll probably ask,
What… We are sheep?!


Of course we are sheep!!
In one way or another, we all act like sheep in a huge herd called “reality”,
Or maybe some of us have already realized that they are not sheep, and they are already out of the herd, making their way to the freedom they believe they deserve.

But what does it mean to be out of the herd?
Does it force us to be alone? Individual?

And I ask,
Where does the feeling of loneliness begin in our hearts?

Doesn’t it start in the same place where we do not remember who we really are?

We are afraid to get out of the herd because we have been taught that the herd is safe for us, also that it does not serve who we really are, also that it does not give us the freedom it promises us, also that it offers us diseases, endless pain and suffering, it tells us “I am good to you, I am your home”

Let’s find the herd instinct within us and the fear that dominates us and challenge this place with the question:
What will I be if I am not afraid anymore? Who would I be if I didn’t become part of this herd?

Whenever we think, “What will others say about me,” we remember that this thought depends on our minds and that the thoughts of those around us are also programmed, subject to those rules of control that are intended to sustain the world we do not like.

I wish us all to discover two things:
One: “The lamb I think I’m” the other: “The lion who believed he was a sheep”

From now on, whenever we are treated like sheep and expected to respond to the sound of the crowd, we will ask ourselves honestly.
Do I choose to be a sheep or a lion?

  • Author: Ilan Aviv – Student of the Universe

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Beggars and poverty
By: Hagar
March 22nd, 2010
Who does it serve that there are beggars, sick and weak?
I will tell you who it serves – the strong – who will continue to become stronger at the expense of others… Without the weak – the strong would not exist, without the sheep – the lion would have remained hungry. New Age literature today tells of an inexhaustible abundance, that there is enough for everyone. . There is a certain amount of energy and there is a division. At the moment, the distribution is such that about five percent of the people in the world own about 90 percent of the capital/energy. Your article is nice, and I can trace what you mean by it, but I think it needs to be improved and a little more thought about how it will be understood by others.
As a Tel Avivian, I can identify with the resistance to beggars, not three minutes pass on the Tel Aviv street without some drunk / drug addict or just one jumping on you and asking for money. Some of them are really disgusting. One swore at me because I only gave her two shekels. But from here to far-reaching conclusions that point to not giving charity as the right thing – the road is long and winding, and this is what your article implies.
The world is full of sickness, pain, sorrow, suffering, poverty, ignorance and darkness – because this is its spoiling. For this is the level of development of the Creator in this dimension. And there is no puente. There is no closing sentence. There are no rules of right and wrong.
If you meet a kindly beggar – give him a shekel or two. Small on you.

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Where the power is directed
By: Ilan Aviv
April 26, 2016
Hello Hagar,
The main point of the article concerns the power we give things to exist in his world. When we pay out of pocket, we give energy to a certain reality to exist, and so we create reality with our own hands – manely a reality that we do not like to live in.

Indeed, humanity is in tremendous ignorance and darkness, and it is also difficult to see signs of positive change, but if we give our opinion of our creative power in the world, I suppose it will be an important beginning for creating the world in which we long to live

Good days
Ilan Aviv