~ Speak the truth at all costs – Be true with you and others.
~ Keep your word you give people – walk your talk.
~ Focus on the present and talk about the future – remembering the past is only for the purpose of learning.
~ Do now what is necessary – do not postpone after that, because will never come.
~ Keep close the people pushing you up, and release the tackers.
~ Always a student – Listen to the world that tries to get you out of your ignorance.
~ Take care of the animals and nature – do not kill any living creature, and do not. participate in any kind of killing.
~ Life is the most precious and wondrous thing in the universe – sanctify it and resist death.
~ A healthy and energetic body is the basis of a sane life – eat naturally and in small quantity.
~ Save precious time – Stop dealing with nonsense that does not advance you in life
~ Those who say difficult things, and continue to love – are the real friends.
~ Give one hour a day for contemplation without doing – it will return you lost hours.
~ Being together with brave people and pioneers, is the most beautiful gift for yourself.
~ Focus on what’s important to you , don’t waste time on nerrow minded people.
~Always be authentic – even if you find that it means going against the grain on a daily basis.
~ Be sure to play the game you like once a week – you are a child of the universe who forgot.
~ The mob goes to Chelion – Be the pioneer who brings life to the planet of the earth
~ Difference between reality and thoughts – it will bring you back to sanity.
~ Even if you are absolutely right in your way, it will not bring you to the province of your desire. Be smart.
~ Niceness will only work for you if it really comes from within you – do not fake smiles.
~ Love the new and the different – do every week something you’ve never done before.
~ Nature will teach you what no human being can – meet it frequently.
~ Earth is the paradise you’ve always been looking for – you have no other home in the universe.
~ Speak little and do a lot – your actions will go with you everywhere.
~ Help people, help you, fulfill your vision, their vision.
~ Tell yourself what you refuse to hear from others – it will educate you to be a human.
~ What you sent to the world comes back to you now, and that’s how it will continue throughout eternity.

Author: Ilan Aviv